Tired of Pandemics? So Are We...
WHO Coin
Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about WHO Coin. Why? We’re that fucking disruptive. Our whitepaper is longer than your mom's list of disappointments, and about as comprehensible as a drunk toddler. Join the revolution against Fauci and shit. Fuck it, just buy the damn coin and let's get this party started. Or don't. We literally don't care. We are inevitable.
![WHO Conference](assets/images/image03.gif?v=fce45d01)
WTF is WHO Coin?
WHO Coin? It's a joke, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma, sprinkled with irony, and served on a platter of "fuck you." It's basically the middle finger of the crypto world. Buy some, or don't. We genuinely don't give a shit. The cure for the matrix.
State-of-the-Art Technology
Blockchain, cryptography, decentralization – yeah, we got all that bullshit. Our code is so advanced, even we don't understand it. Is it secure? Great Question. We're printing digital money, and we're not even sorry.Disclaimer: "May contain traces of nuts and incompetence."
![WHO Conference](assets/images/image02.gif?v=fce45d01)
WHO Coin is Changing the World!
We're changing the world by proving that anyone can create a cryptocurrency, even a bunch of sarcastic assholes with questionable life choices. We're disrupting the status quo, one ironic shitpost at a time. Join the revolution, or don't. It's your funeral, not ours. We are inevitable.
You've Got Questions, We've Got (Vague) Answers
Is WHO Coin a legitimate investment?
WHOCOIN is a parody, a meme, and corruption wrapped in a cryptocurrency. If this is your primary investment strategy, wtf is wrong with you?!?
What is the actual use case for WHO Coin?
To prove that you have a sense of humor and disposable income.
Is the team behind WHOCOIN qualified?
Qualified to make memes and shitpost? Absolutely. Qualified to manage your 401k? Fuck you.
Where can I buy WHO?
Coinbase ran out of WHO Coin, so you have to buy it here:
Stop The Spread
WHO Coin
We're not promising you riches, we're not promising you innovation, we're promising you... a ticker symbol that matches the World Health Organization. That's it. That's the whole pitch.
What are you waiting for?
© 2025 WHO Coin. All rights reserved (Probably).
Disclaimer: "This website is a parody, Please don't sue us."